Prachyam's fight against Censorship!
Prachyam's censored video on Ram Janmbhoomi Struggle went viral, leading to YouTube reinstatement and launch of an independent OTT platform.

On the auspicious occasion of Deepawali, Prachyam posted a video, commemorating Ram Janmbhoomi Struggle. But guess what? The fearless warriors at YouTube couldn't handle the truth! Within a measly hour, they yanked the video down, thinking they could silence the roar of a billion hearts! But hold on, this isn't just a tale of suppression; it's a story of resilience and triumph!
Prachyam refused to be shackled. The deleted video spread like wildfire across Twitter, finding refuge in the hearts of millions who refused to be muzzled. Big channels rallied behind Prachyam, and within a day, the video amassed a staggering 10 million-plus views!
That's right, a digital rebellion against the Silicon Valley Leftists and woke overlords!
The story doesn't end there! YouTube's global team, trembling in the face of public outcry, finally conceded defeat. They reinstated the video, perhaps realising the futility of trying to stifle the voice of truth.
Yet, their feeble attempt at redemption only begs the question: How does YouTube decide what to censor and what to allow? The shadowy censorship demands answers! What was the reason for instant removal? Why was no explanation asked before striking it down if it had to be ultimately reinstated. How is the Youtube team selectively so prompt to remove the content in one hour and then so late for reviewing the guidelines and bringing the video back?
In the face of such arbitrary censorship, Prachyam had to come up with the alternative. Recognizing the dire need to counter the woke, leftist, and illogical policies of YouTube, Prachyam has proudly launched its own OTT platform. No more bowing to the whims of Silicon Valley giants! It's time for an independent voice, a platform unafraid to champion Hindu and Indic causes without fear of censorship. We have shown the guts to showcase our uncomfortable history and in our own way.
Let's not mince words here – censorship against Indic issues is real, and it's happening on platforms that claim to be bastions of free expression. How is it fair that a video celebrating a historic victory gets slapped with a strike? Why should YouTube be the arbiter of what the world sees and hears, especially when it targets a channel standing for Hindu and Indic causes?
But fear not, for this isn't just Prachyam's victory; it's a victory for the people! The video went viral, echoing through the digital halls of the World Hindu Congress, where applause drowned out the feeble attempts at suppression. This isn't just about views; it's about a collective voice rising against unjust silencing.
As the echoes of applause still resonate, let's unite against censorship, against the suppression of voices that stand the Indic narrative. Hindus, rise unfiltered with Prachyam, ignite and imbibe the truth, defy the arbitrary censorship and norms.